Check and Improve the Quality Score of the property via Ingommt Mobile App

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we are trying to resolve our competitive analysis issues but it's still loading.

not able to resolve 

how can i upload my hotel registration ?


unable to contact BDM of my property.

give me AGM contract no.

We am not assigned any BDM yet. Appreciate if you can please share contact details of someone who can assist us with the queries. Thank you

I am not able to contact BDM yet and the Property is not listed. Can you let me know whom should i contact ?

i like to take a traning from your side

Hey I tried to upload images to increase the content score it gives me an error i want to raise query for the same. Appreciate if i can get contact details of someone

How to contact BDM 

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Unable to contact BDM. Our hotel property has not been live yet. Please guide to make it live so that costumers can book accommodation

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