Special Audience Promotions: These special discounts are designed for specific customer segments, such as loyalty program members, corporate clients (MyBiz), and travel agents (MyPartner). These promotions enable you to develop a flexible pricing strategy. This targeted approach enhances customer satisfaction, builds loyalty, and sets the hotel apart in a competitive market, ultimately contributing to long-term success.

MMTBlack/goTribe Promotion: MMTBlack discounts are given to the most loyal, high spending and frequent travellers of Goibibo and Makemytrip. You can choose to offer different discounts for different segments of these loyal customers. These discounts are easy to spot by customers while making bookings. By participating in this discount, you can improve conversion among loyal customers.

MyBiz Promotion: myBiz discounts are extended to corporate customers. You can create myBiz discounts to ensure corporate loyalty and drive volume benefit.

Mobile Promotion: More than 85% customers make bookings on their mobile phone. You can create special discounts for these users using the Mobile discount option.

MyPartner Promotion: MyPartner discounts are extended to our network of travel agents with 40,000+ agents across 550+ cities, encouraging them to recommend your property to expand your reach among customers. 

Gulf Market Promotion: Set a special discount for guests travelling from Gulf countries and enhance your hotel's appeal for this specific audience. 

Holiday Packages: We're the top choice for 1 out of every 3 holiday bookings made in India! With over 5,000 packages available on our platform (domestic and international), it gives you a great opportunity to attract more guests by offering exclusive discounts. 

You may follow the below mentioned steps to create Special Audience Promotion.

Step 1: Login to the InGo-MMT Extranet- https://in.goibibo.com/accounts/login/?next=/extranet/   



Step 2:  Click on 'Promotions & Coupon' under 'Grow Your Business' tab in the left navigation pane. 

Step 3: Under the 'Create New Promotion' screen, click 'create now' button against the Special Audience Promotion section.


Step 4: You may choose from various available options to target specific customer segments, like create special discounts for loyal customers, corporate customers, travel agents, gulf customers and mobile bookers to improve your conversion. 


Step 5: Set the default discount value for all Special Audience Promotions at once.

Step 6: If you don't want to offer certain available special audience promotions, you can simply tap the three dots (kebab icon) next to the promotion you don't want to offer.

Then, click on 'Disable Special Audience Promotions', and that specific promotion will be deactivated for your hotel. In the pop-up window that appears, confirm changes. Once successfully done, a 'Disabled' tag will be displayed on the offer.

In the future, you can always choose to provide offers for these promotions again.

Step 7: Save all changes and activate.

How can I customise any Special Audience Promotion?

Watch this quick video to learn more: