Financial & Bank Details

How can I update my Bank details on InGo-MMT?
With Ingo-MMT Extranet, modifying and updating bank details has become simple and quick. You may follow the steps given below to update or change bank det...
How can I update/change my PAN details on InGo-MMT?
InGo-MMT Extranet allows its partners to update or change their PAN details themselves.  All you need to do is follow the below-listed steps:      ...
How can I update/change my GSTN on InGo-MMT Extranet?
You can update GST details easily in a few steps using InGo-MMT Extranet. You may follow the below-mentioned steps.     Step 1: Log in to InGo-MMT Ex...
How can I update the TAN (Tax Deduction Account Number) on InGo-MMT Extranet?
Yes, updating TAN details for your property is, easy and quick with InGo-MMT. Simply follow the below-listed Steps.     Step 1: Log in to InGo-MMT Ex...
Is GST registration required for all properties?
GST registration is not mandatory for properties like homestays, hostels, apartments, etc. Do not worry if you do not have a GST issued for your property,...
Can I stop payments to my existing Bank Account?
Yes, if you want to hold off payments from Go-MMT to your account you can simply request for “STOP PAYMENT “option under the Financial and Bank details t...
What relationship documents should I provide in case of a detail mismatch?
The list of documents* you will be required to upload in the case of a mismatch regarding your Bank, PAN, or GSTN details are mentioned below.      ...
How can I know if my new Bank Details have been updated?
It is easy to track/know the upgradation of your new details on our InGo-MMT Extranet. You may follow the below-mentioned steps.    Step 1: Start w...
Why is my property deactivated after entering new PAN details?
After updating PAN details, you must accept the new agreement shared by Go-MMT. After this, your property will be temporarily disabled until the details ...
Why am I not able to save my GST number?
This occurs when your GSTN details do not match with your PAN card details or your regional state code.     It’s highly important that they match wi...